Nestables Pre-Sale Announcement

Tribal Gaming
6 min readJul 8, 2019


Tribal Gaming is very excited to announce our pre-sale starting at 9PM UTC on the 27th of July. Over the past few months we have been working hard to show you our first ingame footage, publish countless Medium articles and get your feedback on Nestables via Telegram and Twitter. Hopefully, this has been enough to show you why we are excited developing Nestables — a game that has been designed to appeal to people of all ages powered by Enjin.

Check out our first gameplay video!

Why are we doing a pre-sale?

Good question! A lot of games go to pre-sales and do not tell their community exactly what they are raising money for. We want to be open and transparent to show you what we have left to complete on the game before we can hold a beta test. Over the past year of development, we have completed and achieved quite a lot!

Development Completed:

  • Base systems and architectures
  • Character and camera system
  • World generation
  • Cube generation
  • Interaction system
  • Resource collection
  • Researching system
  • Cube traits
  • Cube happiness measurements
  • Implemented mechanics UI
  • Prop placement system and basic inventory

There is however, a lot left to be done which could be completed at a much faster pace with a successful pre-sale.

Development to be completed:

  • Building Editor
  • Marketplace
  • Significant interaction capabilities between player and Cubes
  • Expanded and improved crop and farming experience
  • Expanded Cube care experience
  • SFX & Music
  • Implementation of different terrains and biomes (partially completed)

How will we raise funds?

Raising funds in this pre-sale will be done in two different ways.

  1. Through a Cube adoption program
  2. Via the selling of crates containing wearables and skins

Cube Adoption Program

2,500 special Pre-Sale Cubes need a loving and caring home! Buying a Cube in our pre-sale comes with heaps of added benefits:

Each pre-sale Cube is an ERC-1155 Token backed by 5 ENJ each. This compares to the normal game Cubes which will be backed with 0.1 ENJ.

Adoption Program Benefits

  • Each Cube will be branded with a special gold coloured ‘FC’ mark. This mark will be inherited by the Cube’s first born child at a 50% opacity as well.
  • Exclusive pre-sale only ‘Productivity Master’ trait. This trait applies a productivity bonus to all activities undertaken by the Cube — think of it as making the Cube a ‘jack of all trades’.
  • Ability to cycle through unlimited Cube appearances. Typically, players loading Nestables for the first time will only have a selection of three different Cubes to choose from.
  • Ability to view traits of the Cube before selection. Normally, traits will be randomised for new Nestables players after they choose their Cube.

Each Cube is unique and made up of different physical and personality traits. You can get a preview of what a Cube looks like by checking out our Cube generator here.

Pre-sale Cubes will be available for $19.99 USD each.

Wearables and Skins

Cubes like to look cool and trendy as well! To allow players to personalise their Cubes even more, we have been working hard on implementing Cube Wearables into the game.

Skins will allow users to overlay different textures, patterns and colours onto their wearables to allow for further customisation. You can of course leave the wearable with the original skin it comes with.

Players will be able to purchase crates and open them during the pre-sale to receive different wearables and skins. Each crate will contain two wearables / skins with the chance for a third.

You can see some of the items that will be available on the left. Furthermore, some of the wearables and skins available will be pre-sale exclusive which could well end up making them some of the rarest items ingame. You can view all the wearables and skins on our pre-sale page here. Items with a golden glow are pre-sale exclusive items.

Each wearable and skin will be backed by 0.2 ENJ allowing for you to trade and sell them at a later date.

Supply of each wearable and skin (excluding pre-sale exclusives) will be unlimited, but buying these items during the pre-sale will give you a substantial discount over buying them when the game is released! When Nestables is released, wearables and skins will appear in the shop on a rotation basis, meaning it might be hard to buy the same wearable or skin again later!

Crates will be available for $9.99 USD each or $16.99 for two or $19.99 for three.

Special Rewards

One of the things we have tried to do here at Tribal Gaming, is reward those who support us. To this extent we have tried hard to only give out competition rewards to those who deserve it and have refrained from giving out free items to those who join the telegram and then leave shortly after or who are bots!

We would like to continue this in the pre-sale and have setup three different special rewards.

#1 — Founder’s Token Reward

Distributed to the first 700 unique buyers of a Cube which removes Nestables marketplace fees.

Ever since we announced Nestables, we have been inundated with questions over when and how we would be giving out our Founder’s Token.

  • The first 700 Cube purchases will also receive a Founder’s Token (one per user)
  • Founder’s Token owners will have no marketplace transaction fees
  • Tokens are transferable and backed by two ENJ per token

Don’t worry — we understand not everyone can support us. We plan on giving away 100 tokens to those members who are most active and helpful on our Telegram and Social Media as well as to those who are actively involved in our community for a long time. In total, there will be 800 Nestables Founders tokens.

#2 — Adoring Adopters Reward

The top 5 adopters (most number of Cubes adopted) will receive a very special prize pack.

#3 — Crate Cracker Reward

A special prize pack will be distributed to the top 5 crate crackers (most number of crates opened).

Prize packs will be announced shortly before the start of the pre-sale along with a final Medium post detailing any FAQs we have received and other useful information.

Finally! We understand not everyone who is an avid supporter of Blockchain and Enjin has the means to support us in the pre-sale. No worries! If you can’t, please consider sharing this Medium article and our game to as many people as possible. The more successful the games that are built on Enjin, the more widespread the adoption of both blockchain gaming and Enjin Coin becomes.

You can head on over to our pre-sale page to see the live countdown and check out the Cube Adoption program. We are excited to keep you as a community informed of our development progress. You can stay tuned with our progress via our Telegram & Twitter.

~ Tribal Gaming



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